/ Our vets / Dr. László Zsoldos
Dr. László  Zsoldos
Dr. László Zsoldos
Pet emergency- and orthopaedic surgery
Orvosi iskolák
Állatorvos-tudományi Egyetem
Gyakorlat / Rezidens
Állatorvos-tudományi Egyetem Sebészeti és Szemészeti Tanszéke, Canada, Egyesült Államok, PrimaVet Kisállat- Rendelőintézet alapítója
Speciális szakterületek
gerincsebészet, ortopédiai – traumatológiai esetek

I was born in Orosháza, on 3rd Aug 1951. I went to preliminary and secondary schools in Orosháza. In the secondary school, I was specialised on biology and chemistry.

In 1969, I successfully applied for admission to the University of Veterinary Science, Budapest. I graduated in 1974. Afterwards, I started to work at the Department of Surgery and Ophthalmology of the university. My main interests were trauma and orthopaedic surgeries of pets.

I visited several veterinary universities in Europe. In 1982, I post graduated in veterinary clinical sciences.

From 1987 to 1989, I worked in Canada and the USA and invented a new type of total hip replacement prosthetic implant.

In 1990, I returned to Hungary and founded the Prímavet Állatgyógyászati Kft. Since 1990, I am a leader of the Prímavet Clinic at Rákos út 60, Budapest. We are primarily specialised on surgery and orthopaedics.

Besides working at the clinic, I hold lectures at a number of national and international conferences in each year, as well as post gradual courses (with a total number adding up to ca. 100). Our clinic takes part in the graduate and postgraduate education of both Hungarian and international students at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University. I am holding a number of advanced training courses at the meetings of the Hungarian pet breeders. I published many papers both in veterinary and educational journals.

Please ask for an appointment!
Our clinic is open on weekdays between 8 am and 8 pm, emergency duty is on weekdays between 8 pm and 10 pm, on Saturday between 9 am and 10 pm and on Sunday between 9 am and 8 pm.
Please ask for an appointment by phone or in e-mail for ultrasound examination, for neurologic consultancy or for MRI and CT examination.
+36 1 306 1364
Veterinary services
Senior Care
Kisállat MRI
Treatment of exotic animals
Our clinic on the map
Állatorvos Budapest
Primavet Rendelő Kft. - All rights reserved
1152. Budapest, Rákos út 60.
Telephone: (1) 306 1364
Új Széchenyi terv